How to Make Every Day a Good Hair Day

There are times when you get out of bed and a single look in the mirror tells you that this day just won’t be a good hair day. No matter what you do, your locks won’t stay the way you want them to.  This makes for an unpleasant day, to say the least.

However, there is no need for despair. You have the power to make every day a good hair day. Use our special tips and your locks will remain tamed and beautiful in any situation.

1.      Style smart: There are a variety of styling products, tools, and techniques available today, and you’ll need to choose the one that is perfect for you personally to ensure your locks look good at all times. This will require a bit of experimentation as you won’t know how exactly your hair will react to different styling methods without trying them. Focus on the techniques developed specifically for your hair type, but don’t forget that every person is unique, so you may need to adjust them a bit. Ask your hairstylist to teach you how to use your tools and products, so you can replicate the look that we have created for you, at home.

2.      Use long-term treatments: If your locks remain frizzy and unruly no matter what you do, try some specialized treatments that can help you solve this problem. For example, at Bouche Boutique Styling Rooms, we have a system that measures the health of the scalp and hair, we then recommend a treatment based on that analysis. A keratin treatment will be a great choice for those who want to have straight and silky hair. The results of the procedure last for several months.

3.      Amp the volume with the right brush: When you need to make your hair style look amazing ASAP, a vent brush is the magic tool you need. We used huge ones to smooth out and stretch the hair for quick and easy results. The bigger the brush, for medium to long hair, the less effort and time is required. Blow dry your hair lifting it with the brush from the scalp upward. If you have a chance, use our LaBiosthetique ‘Beach Effect’ on the ends, after drying, as this will give an attractive ‘natural’ tousled look. This simple styling method takes less than 15 minutes and gives your locks a huge volume boost.

4.      Choose the right kind of styling products: Many girls use strong hold products for straight hair because they think these products will keep their hair in place more efficiently. However, the truth is that these kinds of products may be too ‘heavy’ for fine locks, and can weigh it down or have it look greasy. Medium and light styling products are a better option in this case. Try spray-on and light mousses in order to style your hair to perfection. We recommend, LaBiosthetique, ‘Fine Shampoo and Conditioner’ to prepare the hair for styling, ‘Fine Styling Fluid’ to thicken the hair, and ‘Volume Booster’ for maximum root lift.  After styling, your hair will still feel silky and clean, without feeling any product in the hair.

5.      Limit the use of hot heat styling tools: While there is no arguing that hot rollers, curling irons, and the like are extremely useful for creating amazing hairstyles, you shouldn’t overindulge in them as heat damages your locks. Always apply specialized heat-protection sprays like – ‘LaBiosthetique Heat Protector’ – before using these tools and treat your hair with a moisturizing mask ‘LaBiosthetique Tricoprotein Masque’ twice a week if you style often.

6.      Have a backup hairstyle: Experiment with different hairstyles to pick the one that’s easy and will look great even if you don’t have the time to wash your hair. It may be helpful to use a bit of dry shampoo in this situation, ‘LaBiosthetique Powder Spray’ and ask your stylist to test this option first as you’ll need to work out how much product you need to apply.