5 Tips On How Your Hairstyle Can Make You Look More Youthful

By Kelli Boucher

Why am I sharing this information?

As a hairdresser and image professional work with many ladies each year, and we can all tend to spend a great deal of time and money on our appearance.  I see many ladies start to concern themselves with maintaining their youthful appearance earlier these days.  Age discrimination is alive and well in the Australian culture, and I think many ladies are concerned about that.  Also, we’re visual creatures, when we look good, it helps us to feel good.

                   So this has got me thinking over the years.  I wanted to let you in on a few secrets,  that can help you to look your best and re-energise yourself and your relationships.  

A fresh hairstyle can be the quickest way to a youthful look, resulting in more compliments.

  1. Hair colour is everything: If you don’t have a colour that suits your actual complexion, it will make you look washed out, or will highlight expression lines. Your hairdresser may be an expert in colour application and creativity, but do they know your best personal colours? Are you warm or cool? Meaning, does a soft warm brown look good, or does a cooler mocha brown work best?  Colour makes us feel great and keeps us looking interesting.

  2. Don't go too conservative with your hair:  Many of us start to think that as we age we should get a more age appropriate haircut so as to not send the "wrong message", which makes total sense.  However an appropriate creative haircut can shave years off your appearance. You can also send a powerful message once you understand your style profile, and what you would like your personal brand to communicate.  When the hairstyle matches your personality and face shape, something magical happens, and people will suddenly take notice and compliment you way more. You don’t need the latest trend cut for this, but something that matches your personality, skin colour, features and style. 

  3. Excessive hair length:  You can also go the other way and keep your hair too long which pulls down on your hair and creates a drawn and flat look.  This can make people perceive you as older because you hair is lacking volume and bounce. The right length can make you feel young again.
  4. Don't get an overly trendy hairstyle unless you can own it:  We've all seen someone that tries a little too hard with their hairstyle and they don't seem to be able to pull it off because it's not really a fit for who they are or how they dress……..this generally won't look right to other people and can actually draw attention to your age. Feeling awkward because you got talked into a style or trend that doesn’t suit your personality will end in tears and is a waste of money.  One of my areas of expertise is fixing up inappropriate hairstyles.
  5. Covering your grey hair:  We use La Biosthetique for hair colouring, and in the twenty years I have been doing hair styling, I have yet to see anything that covers grey hair better.  Grey hair tends to be a little course and can look dry.  A correctly blended colour, that isn’t obvious, is a perfect way to combat this along with a quality hair treatment.  This can bring softness and bounce back to your hair, thus making your appear younger. However, if grey hair suites your actual skin colourings, you may be better off going with a shine treatment and bring attention to the silver fox within.
  6. Your clothing style:  How your clothing choices plays a big part in how old you look, and there are many reasons for this.  For example, the right colour can work with your skin tone to soften you and make you look healthy.  When you look radiant and vibrant this can shave years from your appearance.  However the wrong colours will do the opposite….then there is the style of clothes you wear.  However I have far too much information on this topic to just put into a single page.  Take a look at the rest of our website for more information on this topic.

That’s it!  Next time you go to your hairdresser you can try experimenting with a new look.  Or you can come and see us at Bouche Boutique Styling Rooms and we’ll give you the perfect cut and colour for you. 

 Call us on 07 3172 2990 for a chat about what’s possible for you.

Kelli Boucher ( Hairdresser, Complete Image Professional ) 


Bouché Boutique hairdressing salon is located in Ascot, just off Racecourse Road.  It's 5 Km from Brisbane CBD, 3 Km from Fortitude Valley and 1 Km from Hamilton, Clayfield and Hendra